This morning I was flipping through a stack of business cards looking for my doctor’s phone number. As I was going along I paused at some of the recently acquired business cards from the Milwaukee JobCamp. These business card were of people who are in career transition just like me and like many others. I saw a few things that caused me to reflect.
The business card seemed to be a replication of the corporate roles and functions they recently held. This made me think…if they were let go from their position wouldn’t that role and function be extinct? Would there really be consulting opportunities? My mother in law who is a salty late 70‘s brought something to my attention. She asked, of these people you are meeting, are they people who will hire you? Well no, they are not people who will hire me. I started thinking about this. If we are starting consulting businesses offering services as the same job role and function we had when were employed, I wonder if we are having a hard time moving forward. We are becoming consultants where the landscape is changing. It seems we are still the round peg but the hole is becoming square and our hamster wheel as a different address.
What I see is this economic downturn has people thinking entrepreneurially. We know we don’t want to go back to where we were…the Grade A, all American, 6x6 cubical with the same hamster wheel day. Yet we are going with what we know and that is the past role and function. People are establishing businesses, setting up websites, buying business cards, networking with others who are doing the same thing and not making money either. Well enough money to sustain on. My question is, are we happy? Do we have the grit to build something that is possibly not our true passion?
I can’t believe someone’s real passion is corporate vision, strategic planning, team leadership, communications, and product and business development, process methodology and so on. I know it is not mine. This is what we left and this is what we don’t want to go back to. Lets let go because those positions that were considered discretionary are not there and will not fuel an income. So where is the money? I don’t mean to be a pessimist but really, what has networking, LinkedIn, and setting up your own consulting business done for you lately? We are networking with like mindedness and are fueling each others delusions. It dawned on me who is making money…Vista print. The business card, the websites, the promotional materials, business must be booming!
It seems to me that all this entrepreneurial energy would be better spent on local commerce. Providing a product or service to the community of something that is a real passion. What is it that we have fun with and are really good at? I like croquet and I am good at it. You are probably thinking…croquet what the hell can you do with croquet? Well, I have an idea and it is something I loved as a kid and it is not around any more. I am keeping it to myself so no one steals it from me :~) My point is, don’t dismiss your passion because it seems dumb. Don’t measure it to others. I did that. I went online to see what others were doing with my passion and I got discouraged. Then I thought, damn it, that is them and not me. I have grit to follow my passion and it will be unique because it is my passion.
Once you find the thing that is fun and you do well turn it into a passion. Take all that corporate experience and knowledge and turn it inward instead of outward.
Make yourself your own client!
I dedicate this blog to my good friends Paula Hornbeck and Ryan Michael Galloway. Two very happy people who have followed their passions..
Whoa...never had a blog dedicated to me, but thanks! I'm sure Paula feels the same way. You go girl!