Friday, August 14, 2009

Catching the Next Wave

OK..There is a huge wave coming and it is bigger then I thought. I just finished reading Groundswell and I really need to learn about and apply social media to my tool box. So, I have been digging around on the web to find out what kinds of social media are out there...OMG! There are so many different ways to organize, communicate, market, share and I am sure there is other stuff. It seems to me we have a couple demographics where professionally I could position myself. So in my efforts to chunk it all down categories and a sampling of what I have found. Here they are if you are interested:

Social networks:
Facebook - One of the many social networking websites, Facebook was originally confined to users with
college or university email addresses, it is now open to anyone and is currently one of the fastest growing
social networking sites.
Myspace - A social networking website that allows users to post images, personal profiles, blogs, music,
and videos, as well as form networks with each other that span the globe. Still the # 1 social networking site.
Ning: user created smaller social networks built around a subject or product.

Social Bookmarks: - A social bookmarking service that allows users to tag favorite sites and articles with
descriptive keywords, discover new content, and share their favorites with other users.
Ma.gnolia -

Social News:
Digg - A community based popularity website that combines social bookmarking, blogging, and syndication.
Users submit content and stories find their way to the front page (or not) through a democratic user-based
ranking system.
StumbleUpon – A web browser plug-in that allows users to discover and rate web content, videos, and
images, and to “stumble upon new ones based on previous rankings and ratings by friends and users with
similar interests.
Mixx – All of the content is user-generated, which means that they don't have an editor who decides what
you should find interesting. They make it easy for you to submit stories, photos, videos—whatever you find
interesting, informative, different or fun. You can also see—and vote on—the stuff that other Mixxers submit.
Reddit - A social news website where users can post links to content on the web. Other users may then
vote the posted links up or down, causing them to appear more or less prominently on the Reddit home

Search engines:
Mahalo - human powered search. Users submit sites and content managers approve/disapprove listings.
Technorati - A search engine dedicated solely to indexing blogs, Technorati tracks the state of the
blogosphere, ranks blogs according to popularity, and lets bloggers see who is linking to them.

Flickr - A searchable social image sharing site that allows users to tag pictures with specific keywords and
descriptive terms
Twitter - A social networking and microblogging service that allows users to post short updates (text-based
posts up to 140 characters long) through SMS text messaging, email, or the twitter website
Tumblr - Easily and quickly post and share anything you find or create. To make a simple analogy: If blogs
are journals, tumblelogs are scrapbooks. You can also look at tumblelogs as slightly more structured blogs
that make it easier, faster, and more fun to post and share stuff you find or create. Most tumblogs have no
Pownce – Send messages, files, links, and events to your friends. Create a network of friends and share

Movable Type – what we use in house to create all our blogs –
Vox – Free hosted blog, that users need to log into comment on.
Wordpress – an alternative blogging platform to MT.

Rss Reader:
Google Reader:

Start Page:
Netvibes - Lets individuals assemble all in one place their favorite websites, blogs, email accounts, social
networks, search engines, instant messengers, photos, videos, podcasts, widgets, and everything else they
enjoy on the Web.
Pageflakes - An easy way to discover and share your favorite things on the Web. Pageflakes has
thousands of widgets or modules including Facebook, a universal News Search, YouTube, Twitter, message
board, blog, and hundreds of RSS feeds to choose from. Design and create a page that you can have for
yourself or share with anyone you choose.

Upcoming – Upcoming is a community for discovering and sharing events. It can help you find stuff to do,
discover what your friends are doing, or let you keep private events online for your own reference.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow, you really did do your homework!
